Halsbury's Statutory Instruments

Halsbury’s Statutory Instruments is the standard work of authority[1] on delegated legislation in England and Wales. It is one of the major legal works published by LexisNexis Butterworths[2] (formerly Butterworths). Primarily used by legal practitioners and law students, it provides details of every statutory instrument of general application currently in force in England and Wales, either in full text of as an authoritative summary.

It is a companion work to both 'Halsbury's Statutes' and 'Halsbury's Laws'


  1. ^ "Trial and Error". London: The Guardian 7 Nov 2008. 2008-11-07. http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2008/nov/07/law. Retrieved 2010-05-04. 
  2. ^ "HALSBURY'S STATUTES & STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS". LexisNexis Butterworths. http://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/hssi/index.htm. Retrieved 2008-11=09. 

See also